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Add an Asian touch to your kitchen design feature image

Add an Asian touch to your kitchen design

Bored of traditional kitchen design? If you’re dreaming of a beautiful and timeless modern kitchen design, why not add an Asian touch to your kitchen? Cosy and warm, oriental design is perfect for families and homeowners that like to gather and celebrate with friends. Creating an Asian-inspired kitchen is also easier than you might think…

Seven steps to oriental kitchen design


  1. Embrace floral prints and patterns

You may not associate kitchen design with floral patterns, but that’s what sets the Asian kitchen apart from traditional design. It’s easier than you might think to add florals to your kitchen. Opt for floral curtains or blinds or enhance your kitchen space with beautiful cherry blossom artwork. Fresh flowers, in strong, bold colours, are also a must.

  1. Go bold

A bold colour palette is crucial in Asian kitchen design. Colours like red, royal blue and zesty orange all work well and can be teamed with a monochrome palette. When incorporating bolder colours like red, we recommend using them as an accent colour. For example, opt for a red backsplash or red worktop doors. You could also accessorise with red pots and pans and bold red crockery.

  1. Incorporate natural elements

For that Zen-like atmosphere, natural materials are key. Think stone floors and light wooden furnishings for a look that’s natural and chic. If you’re a fan of the metallic trend, why not incorporate warmer metallics, such as copper, into your kitchen design too?

  1. Make it sociable

A family-oriented kitchen is important in many Asian cultures – so it’s important to have a sociable dining space. Kit out your kitchen with a large dining table for family and friends and make use of other sociable dining areas, like a breakfast bar.

  1. Keep the layout simple

Simplicity is essential in any kitchen design and even more so in Asian kitchens. To keep things simple, we recommend using the kitchen work triangle as the foundation of your kitchen design. This will ensure an efficient layout, allowing all primary tasks to be completed with ease. The kitchen work triangle is also very much synonymous with minimalist principles – which are a big thing in Asian cultures.

  1. Get the lighting right

Comfort is key in oriental design – and that includes the comfort of the cook. To make the task of food preparation easy, ensure task lighting is available under-cupboards. You’ll also want to make dining areas comfortable too by using mood lighting to create the perfect ambience.

  1. Don’t forget the detail!

Intricate details, like oriental accessories, antiques and pictures, help to enhance an Asian kitchen space. You can also experiment with oriental plants too – like a bonsai or Chinese money tree.

Keen to start planning the finer details of your Asian kitchen? Browse our Finishing Touches section to explore our range of worktops, appliances and more.

What do you like most about Asian kitchen design? Join the conversation on Twitter @ModernKitchens

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The Kitchen Design Centre Barrowford is a stunning showroom that occupies three shops on the high street - 4, 5, and 6 Gladstone Terrace.

Mr and Mrs Lowcock recently visited the showroom when they were considering a new kitchen for their busy family home. Mr Lowcock has fond memories of visiting his father’s plumbing shop in 4 Gladstone Terrace, which made the visit quite nostalgic!
The couple chose a Hacker Ravenna Pearl Grey kitchen with bespoke Artista Grey Corian worktops. The main focus of the design was to brighten up the space by using better lighting and natural colors. The addition of practical appliances, including a Quooker boiling tap, made it easy for the multi-generational family to use the kitchen.

Book A Free Appointment with one of our award-winning designers? It’s just a no-obligation chat that focuses on you, and your desires for your dream kitchen. 

Designed by Simon at our Barrowford showroom
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Sunny days are here again, and that means there’s a bright future in store for your dream kitchen!
There’s no better time to enjoy these amazing offers: you can Buy Now and Pay in 2025, as well as take your pick between Free Fitting (worth up to £1000), or a Free Quooker Flex Chrome Tap, worth £1250! It’s all exactly what you need to kickstart your project, and bring every inch of your vision to life – making it unquestionably the heart of your home.
The clock is ticking though, so don’t wait too long to take advantage!
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All good things have to come to an end, even if they are blooming good!

Sunny days are here again, and that means there’s a bright future in store for your dream kitchen!
There’s no better time to enjoy these amazing offers: you can Buy Now and Pay in 2025, as well as take your pick between Free Fitting (worth up to £1000), or a Free Quooker Flex Chrome Tap, worth £1250! It’s all exactly what you need to kickstart your project, and bring every inch of your vision to life – making it unquestionably the heart of your home.
The clock is ticking though, so don’t wait too long to take advantage!
Book A Free Design Appointment with one of our award-winning designers today, and let us bring your dream kitchen to life.

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