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Kitchen Trade Centre Ltd T/A Kitchen Design Centre Privacy Policy

Kitchen Design Centre, is committed to protecting your privacy and we take our responsibilities regarding the security of user information very seriously. This Privacy Statement sets out how we comply with both UK and European Union data protection requirements.

We have structured our website so that you can visit without identifying yourself or revealing any personal information. Once you choose to provide us with any information by which you can be identified, it will be used only to process your enquiries or to contact you about products and services you have already said that you are happy to receive.

For your protection, we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and have registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required to do so by law. You may ask that your details be removed from our system by writing to the address below.

What if you think we have incorrect information or you would like a copy of the information we hold about you?

Under the GDPR you may request details of personal information which we hold about you. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please write to the address below or email us at info@kitchendesigncentre.com:


Kitchen Trade Centre Ltd

T/A Kitchen Design Centre

Unit 11,

Three Point Business Park

Charles Lane




If you believe that any information we are holding about you is incorrect or incomplete, please write or email us as soon as possible to the above address. Any incorrect information will be corrected promptly.

You can ask us to stop sending you marketing messages by contacting us at any time.


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we may collect online.

Other Websites

This website may contain links to enable you to visit other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site you should note that we do not have any control over any other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting other sites and such sites are not governed by this Privacy Statement. You should exercise caution and read the Privacy Statement applicable to the website in question.

Your consent

By using this website you consent to the collection and use of this information by us for the purposes described above. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post the changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and in what circumstances we disclose it.


Our website is committed to protecting your personal information. We have created this cookies policy in order to provide comprehensive information about CoolKit’s use of cookies across its website.

What Is A Cookie?

A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes a unique identifier that is sent to your computer or mobile device (referred to here as a “device”) browser from a website’s server and is stored on your device’s hard drive.

Each website or third party service provider used by the website can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser’s preferences allow it, but (to protect your privacy) your browser only permits a website or third party service provider to access the cookies it has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other sites or other third party service providers.

A cookie will contain some anonymous information such as a unique identifier and the site name and some digits and numbers. It allows a website to remember things like your preferences or what’s in your shopping basket.

What Is A Browser?

A browser is an application that allows you to surf the internet. The most common browsers are Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari. Most browsers are secure and offer quick and easy ways to delete information like cookies.

What Do Cookies Do?

Cookies record information about your online preferences and allow us to tailor the websites to your interests. Information supplied by cookies can help us to analyse your use of our site and help us to provide you with a better user experience.

First Party Cookies

First party cookies are set by the website you are visiting and they can only be read by that site.

Third Party Cookies

Third party cookies are set by other organisations that we use for different services. For example, CoolKit’s uses external analytics services and these suppliers may set cookies on CoolKit’s behalf in order to report. The website you are visiting may also contain content embedded from, for example, YouTube or Flickr and these sites may set their own cookies.

Session Cookies

Session Cookies are stored only for the duration of your visit to a website and these are deleted from your device when your browsing session ends.

Persistent Cookies

This type of cookie is saved on your device for a fixed period. Persistent cookies are used where we need to know who you are for more than one usage session. For example, if you have asked us to remember preferences like your username.

First Party

CoolKit’s website uses 1st party cookies. These cookies are used to help us collect information about how visitors use the website. The cookies store unique identifiers that allow Charnock Farm to track a visitors progress through the website.


We use cookies to analysis our website via Google Analytics. These cookies allow us to see how our the website performs and how visitors interact with the website. The data and information from these cookies allows us to make improvements to give a better service and user experience as well as seeing areas were errors may occur.

We can also see how often users have visited, where they leave our website, where they enter our website and what marketing channel is most effective for our marketing campaigns.

You can choose how cookies are handled by your device via your browser settings. The most popular browsers allow users to a) accept all cookies, b) to notify you when a cookie is issued, or c) to not receive cookies at any time. If you choose not to receive cookies at any time, the website may not function properly and certain services will not be provided, spoiling your experience of the website. Each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.

For more information about cookies and how to change your cookie settings, visit https://www.allaboutcookies.org/

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