Spring Sale Ends Soon! Spring Sale Ends Soon!

recommend a friend

Recommend A New Customer

Feeling friendly? So are we!

That’s why we’ve launched our latest offer – if you recommend a new customer to Kitchen Design Centre, we’ll give you a £100 voucher to spend in our Manchester Housing Units store!

All you need to do is complete and submit the form below for each new customer.
Terms & Conditions apply

£100 reward applies to new customers only received after the 9th February 2024, where the subsequent customer places an order, which is then installed and paid for in full thereafter. Where we receive multiple recommendations for the same person, we will pay the reward to the first referrer.

Recommend A New Customer

How it works

  • Recommend A New Customer

    Complete and submit the form.

  • Customer Places Order

    Order placed, installed and paid in full.

  • Enjoy Your Reward

    £100 voucher to spend in our Manchester Housing Units store

Frequently Asked Questions

On completion of the new customers kitchen order.
We’ll give you a £100 voucher to spend in our Manchester Housing Units store!
As many as you like and we’ll give you £100 for each order placed, installed and paid for in full.
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